
Tributo a Ragavhan Prakash, ativista indiano que morreu em um acidente na madrugada de ontem.

Nossa singela homenagem ao amigo e ativista indiano, Prakash Ragavhan, que nos deixou ontem a noite, ele sofreu um acidente de carro proximo a Estação de trem e não resistiu.
Prakash, era um homen de bom coração que lutava pela causa dos Dalits e tinha uma ong que cuidava de crianças em risco social. Vai fazer muita falta professor!.

Blog que o Prakash mantinha para se expressar: http://dalithumanrights.blogspot.com/

"A man who loves friendship and believed in Social Equality and JUSTICE.
Hate all type of injustice and Discrimination in the name of CASTE.

I am the 1 st among five children of an agrarian family in Aleppey dist,Karuvatta, Aleppey Kerala. I do my studies in
NangairKulangara and Ernakulam up to PG.When i was a student i struggle a lot for food besides books and uniform.When i grown up i do every work including agrarian work for finding the fee for my studies.Now i am employee, orator, writer and social worker with a mentality to do something for the deserved and the poor students. For that now most of the time.I am married, my wife working as a Teacher in Polytechnic and i have two kids the elder one is in 11 class and younger one is in 9 th.I have 3 sisters and one brother and mother
When i was 20 years my father died.i my self look after my brother and sisters.Every one is well to do and have employment in govt. service.Now i am settled in Mavelikara.
I do service of an NGO, working for the rights of the community and had working for the students availing assistance for their education besides awakening camps, trainings etc.
And after all , i am a COMMON MAN WITH A HEART ."

Auto-descrição sobre o senhor Prakash no seu perfil do Facebook

Descanse em paz grande homen. Fotos  enviadas pro Ratheesh S. do local do acidente e do local onde R. Prakash foi enterrado.

Rest in Piace mestre. Respeito e condolências a sua familia.

Elza Cohen e equipe India Link Brasil.

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