
Zeitgeist photo show

Kerala Lalithakala Akademi Art Gallery , Thrissur
Uma mostra coletiva de fotografia que reune 5 fotografos emergentes de Kerala.

Russel shahul, Vinod Karimatt, Gavrosh O.Vijayan, Rajesh Subrahmunian e Ajilal.

We live in difficult times. Blinded by the city lights and often wounded by vulgar existential disparities, we live on. Some of us live and some merely survive. Some are mere spectators and some, like these lensmen delve into the vastness of this world and capture multifarious moments into frames that live to tell the story another day. Strange, stunning, and beautiful tales of our times have been captured by these lensmen to pr...oduce hard hitting visuals.

Os fotografos: Russel shahul, Vinod Karimatt, Gavrosh O.Vijayan, Rajesh Subrahmunian e Ajilal

Acesse as fotos aqui:

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